Seaside Holiday Home - Vieste - Gargano - Puglia      +39 347 6893409

"La MARINA bay" is in Vieste, on the beach of Scialmarino, one of the most beautiful bays of the Gargano, with internal parking and access to the beach.

It offers mini villas (semi-detached houses) for 3/4 people in the countryside

Marina bay is ideal for all those who like enjoying their holiday in the name of freedom

 surrounded by the sea, the beach, and nature ...

" Villaggio tranquillo dove regna pace e serenità. Alloggi puliti e curati..."

" Ho trascorso dei giorni meravigliosi con mio figlio adolescente... io ho potuto godermi le passeggiate sulla spiaggia in attesa dell'alba... "

"Ho appena concluso il soggiorno presso questa struttura e devo dire di essermi trovato benissimo "

From 2017 to today, thanks to the constant care and attention and thanks to a splendid location that seduces and enchants at first glance, also for 2023 it has been confirmed among the structures to which has assigned the famous Traveler Review Awards for excellent reviews received.

A special thanks to all those who have been close to us over the years and to all our guests.